
ML, vim, biology, math, and more


Meat and protein

  1. 牛肉 - niú ròu
  2. 羊 - yáng
  3. 魚 [鱼] - yú
  4. 豬 [猪] - zhū ròu
  5. 鷄/雞 [鸡] - jī ròu
  6. 蝦 [虾]- xiā. See also 放假 fàng jià from Lesson 22.
  7. 豆腐 - dòu fu
  8. 乾扁牛 [干扁牛] - gān biǎn niú (Dry Cooked Shredded Beef). See also 骗 piàn (mislead)
  9. 乾扁羊 [干扁羊] - gān biǎn yáng (Dry Cooked Shredded Lamb)


  1. 空心菜 - kōng xīn cài (‘water spinach’ or ‘VN spinach’)
  2. 青菜 - qīng cài (colloquial in Mandarin; ‘bok choy’ in Cantonese)
  3. 小白菜 - xiǎo báicài (‘small white vegetable; ‘bok choy’ in Cantonese). See also Wiki on bok choy.Not to be confused with 白菜 - báicài which is the large white cabbage referred to as Napa Cabbage from a Japanese colloquialism.
  4. 素 - sù (vegetarian; basic, simple, many definitions)


  1. 面 [trad 麵] - miàn
  2. 炒飯 [炒饭]- chǎo fàn (fried rice)
  3. 小籠包 [小笼包] - xiǎo lóng bāo (‘xiǎo lóng’ refers to the little bamboo basket the soup dumplings are prepared in)
  4. 牛肉捲餅 trad - niúròu juǎnbǐng (beef inside wrapped pancake)
  5. 牛肉卷饼 simp - niúròu juǎnbǐng (beef inside wrapped pancake)
  6. 蛋撻 [蛋挞] - dàn tǎ (egg tart)
  7. 紅油龍炒手 - hóngyóu lóng chǎoshǒu. Spicy Pork Wontons. literal red oil dragon sauteed hands. 炒手 aka ‘crossed hands’ is a nickname from Sichuan Cuisine
  8. 水餃 [水饺] - shuǐ jiǎ (boiled dumplings) see also 交 - jiāo (to hand in assignment) from Lesson 14
  9. 菜單 [菜单] - cài dān (menu)
  10. 紅燒牛尾麵 [红烧牛尾面] - hóng shaō niú wěi miàn (Braised Oxtail Noodles)

Crouching Tiger lunch with A+A on Wed 26 July 2023

  1. 手工白菜豬肉水餃 - shǒugōng báicài zhūròu shuǐ jiǎo. Literal: handmade (big) white cabbage pork meat dumplings. English: Handmade Pork & Napa Cabbage Dumplings
  2. 新疆羊 - xīn jiāng yáng (Xinjiang Cumin Lamb)
  3. 椒鹽肉排 [椒盐肉排] - jiāo yán ròu pái (jiāo yán = condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt; ròu pái = steak). Salt and Pepper Pork Chop
  4. 核桃蝦 [虾] - hé tao xiā. Literally “Walnut Prawn”. Engish: Walnut Prawns.
  5. 蒜炒大豆苗 - suàn chǎo dà dòu miáo. suàn = garlic. Garlic-Sauteed Big Pea Shoots. Do Miao = pea shoots aka bean sprouts.
  6. 四川哧擔擔麵 [担担面] - sìchuān chī dàndan miàn. Sichuan-style Hot & Spicy Dan-Dan Noodles.

Flash Cards

Lesson 24

  1. 立刻 - lì kè (immediately, at once)
  2. 發現 [发现] - fā xiàn (to discover, to find, to realize)
  3. 發生 [发生] - fā shēng (to happen, to occur). See also L20.
  4. 介紹 [介绍] - jiè shào (to introduce, to present, to recommend)
  5. 生活 - shēng huó (life, livelihood). Reminds me of 話 huà.
  6. 同時 [同时] - tóng shí (at the same time, simultaneously, meanwhile)
  7. 人口 - rén kǒu (population; family size)
  8. 分之 - fēn zhī (part of a fraction). e.g. 三分之一 means ‘one out of three pieces’ aka ‘one-third’ aka 1/3’.
  9. 增加 - zēng jiā (to increase). See also 參加 cān jiā from L11
  10. 就是 - jiù shì (lots of meanings. old notes say ‘all except’. But see Pleco…)
  11. 從前 [从前] - cóng qián (before, formerly, in the past)
  12. 比方說 [比方说] - bǐ fang shuō (for example)
  13. 體重 [体重] - tǐ zhòng (body weight). Therefore, 體重增加 means “to gain weight”.
  14. 小姐 - xiǎo jiě (young lady)
  15. 從…起 [从…起] - cóng…qi/qǐ (former; before)
  16. 感覺 [感觉] - gǎn jué (noun perception, sensation; verb to feel, perceive; to realize)
  17. 街 - jiē (street). See also L20 for 路 (road).
  18. 認為 [认为] - rèn wéi (to believe, have a strong opinion, to have a dream, to feel). See also L12.
  19. 散步 - sàn bù (to walk, stroll)

Lesson 25

  1. 鐘頭 [钟头] - zhōng tóu (hour)
  2. 簡化 [简化] - jiǎn huà (verb to simplify)
  3. 簡體字 [简体字] - jiǎn tǐ zì (simplified Hànzi)
  4. 容易 - róng yì (easy)
  5. 筆畫 [笔画] - bǐ huà (stroke order)
  6. 困難 [困难] - kùn nan (difficult). See also L22.
  7. 記 [记] - jì (to record to remember)
  8. 簡單 [简單] - jiǎn dān (simple, easy). Same character as menu in Chinese Food.
  9. 最 - zuì (the most)
  10. 繁體字 [繁体字] - fán tǐ zì (traditional Hànzi)
  11. 複雜 [复杂] - fù zá (complicated)
  12. 雖然 [虽然] - suī rán (although). See also 當然 from L15.
  13. 比較 [比较] - bǐ jiào (comparatively). see also 交 jiāo from L14 and 水餃 shuǐ jiǎ (dumplings).
  14. 所有 - suǒ yǒu (adj all; verb to own, possess; noun possessions)
  15. 可不是嗎 [可不是吗] - kě bu shì ma (exactly, right, “that’s just the way it is”)
  16. 前頭 [前头] - qián tou aka 前面 qián mian or qián miàn (front)
  17. 認 [认] - rèn (to recognize, to know, to admit). See also L12.
  18. 最近 - zuì jìn (recently). Note there is no special simplified character version of 近.
  19. 更 - gèng (even more)

Lesson 26

  1. 腳步 [脚步] - jiǎo bù (footstep)
  2. 塊 [块] - kuài (piece, block; a dollar; measure word for dollar)
  3. 淺 [浅] - qiǎn (light/pale in color; shallow)
  4. 廁所 [厕所] - cè suǒ (toilet)
  5. 毛衣 - máo yī (sweater)
  6. 黃 - huáng (yellow)
  7. 深 - shēn (deep in color; depth)
  8. 綠 [绿] - lǜ (green)
  9. 顏色 [颜色] - yán sè (color). sè is similar to 晚 wǎn.
  10. 藍 [蓝] - lán (blue)
  11. 安靜 [安静] - ān jìng (quiet, peaceful, silent). 靜 looks somewhat like 淨 jing from L3.
  12. 點心 [点心] - diǎn xin (dim sum)
  13. 同志 - tóng zhì (comrade; colleague)
  14. 搬家 - bān jiā (to move house)
  15. 衣服 - yī fu (clothing; garment). See also shū fú (comfortable) from L9 and fú wù yuán (attendant) from L29.
  16. 聲音 [声音] - shēng yīn (sound)
  17. 也…也… - yě…yě… (both…and…)
  18. 手錶 [手表] - shǒu biǎo (wristwatch)
  19. 白 - bái (white)
  20. 日記 [日记] - rì jì (diary)
  21. 樣子 [样子] - yàng zi (style, standard, pattern)
  22. 愛 [爱] - ài (love)

Lesson 27

  1. 講話 [讲话] - jiǎng huà (speech, lecture)
  2. 錢 [钱] - qián (money)
  3. 不好意思 - bù hǎo yì si (how embarrassing)
  4. 丟掉 [丢掉] - diū diào (to throw away; to discard)
  5. 百 - bǎi (one hundred aka number 100)
  6. 大意 - dà yì (the big idea, gist, general idea)
  7. 再 - zài (to do again). See also 再見 zài jiàn from L20.
  8. 哎呀 - āi yā (interjection expressing surprise or amazement)
  9. 停 - tíng (to stop, to pause, to halt; to park a car)
  10. 丢 - diū (to lose; to misplace)
  11. 工廠 [工厂] - gōng chǎng (factory, mill, plant)
  12. 咳⧸咍 - hāi (expressing regret or mild disgust)
  13. 圓珠筆 [圆珠笔] - yuán zhū bǐ (ballpoint pen)
  14. 生產 [生产] - shēng chǎn (to produce, to manufacture)
  15. 把 - bǎ (hold, watch; noun handle bars)
  16. 自來水 [自来水] - zì lái shuǐ (running water)
  17. 怕 - pà (to fear)
  18. 共產黨 [共产党] - gòng chǎn dǎng (Communist Party)
  19. 教室 - jiào shì (classroom)
  20. 洗 - xǐ (to wash; to bathe)
  21. 糟糕 - zāo gāo (oh no!)

Lesson 28

  1. 電費 [电费] - diàn fèi (bill or fee for electricity)
  2. 空氣 [空气] - kōng qì (air)
  3. 服務員 [服务员] - fú wù yuán (attendant). See also clothing from L26 and comfortable from L9.
  4. 找 - zhǎo (to give change back). See also L13 same character and pronunciation for “to search”.
  5. 分 - fēn (penny, cents; 1/100th of a dollar)
  6. 房錢 [房钱] - fáng qian (rent for housing)
  7. 房子 - fáng zi (house)
  8. 附近 - fù jìn (vicinity)
  9. 缺點 [缺点] - quē diǎn (drawback)
  10. 毛 - máo (a dime; one-tenth of a dollar)
  11. 除了…以外 - chú le …yǐ wài (except for…)
  12. 又…又… - yoù…yoù… (not only…but also…)
  13. 合適 [适適] - hé shì (suitable; appropriate; fitting). See also 哈佛 Harvard from L11, 合作社 from L15.
  14. 座 - zuò (measure word for buildings, mtns, other large immovable objects)
  15. 付 - fù (to hand over; to pay)
  16. 起 - qǐ (to wake up; to rise; to stand up)
  17. 大樓 [大楼] - dà lóu (large, multi-story building)
  18. 一共 - yī gòng (altogether, in all, all told)
  19. 亮 - lìang (bright). See also 漂亮 piào liang from L23.

Lesson 29

  1. 查 - chá (to look up, to consult, to examine)
  2. 批評 [批评] - pī píng (to criticize)
  3. 一邊…一邊 [一边…一边] - yī bīan…yī bīan (verb 1 while performing verb 2)
  4. 不但…而且 - bù dàn…ér qiě (not only…but also)
  5. 大聲 [大声] - dà shēng (in a loud voice)
  6. 表演 - biǎo yǎn (to perform; noun performance). See also L14.
  7. 一天到晚 - yī tiān dào wǎn (from morning til night)
  8. 睡覺 [睡觉] - shuì jiào (to go to bed; to sleep). Note that 覺 is also pronounced jué, as seen in L17, L24.
  9. 幹 [干] - gàn (verb to do, to act, to work; noun trunk, stem, main part; cadre)
  10. 旅行 - lǚ xíng (to travel, to vacation). See also 行 from L16 (sufficient), and bicycle from L18.
  11. 計劃 [计划] - jì huà (plan, project, programme)
  12. 完成 - wán chéng (accomplish; complete). See also L17.
  13. 幹你媽 [干你妈] - gàn nǐ mā (vulgarity)
  14. 可惜 - kě xī (it’s a pity; too bad)
  15. 音樂 [音乐] - yīn yuè (music). JH introduced this in L19
  16. 紐約 [纽约] - niǔ yuē (New York)
  17. 不然 - bù rán (otherwise; not so, not the case)
  18. 春假 - chūn jià (spring break)
  19. 聲音 [声音] - shēng yīn (sound)
  20. 論文 [论文] - lùn wén (thesis, dissertation, paper). See also 討論 tǎo lùn from L14.
  21. 提前 - tí qián (shift to an earlier date; to do in advance). See also 提高 tí gāo from L30
  22. 老 - lǎo (to keep on; to persist)