
ML, vim, biology, math, and more

Jeff’s Notebook

Reading List

Next papers to read

Papers from early 2021

Other papers and books to read


September, 2020

October, 2020

November, 2020

December, 2020

January, 2021

  • 1/08/2021: continued reading 2012 Pace, Sapp, Goldenfeld
  • 1/11/2021: continued reading Quammen The Tangled Tree
  • 1/12/2021: Reviewed some chapters of 2nd edition of Dawkins and Wong The Ancestor’s Tale (2016), esp. chapters on bdelloid rotifers, “light harvesters” (cauliflower, redwood tree, humped bladderwort and C-value, Mixotrich protist within Australian termite and four levels of symbiosis including multiple endosymbionts), Archea, and Bacteria.
  • 1/13 - 1/14: More reading on Quammen, including main reference to inosculation. Need to start a new page for all Tangled Tree notes.
  • 1/14: Finished Doolittle’s 2000 Scientific American article Uprooting the Tree of Life
  • 1/15: Completed Quammen’s The Tangled Tree. began sketching phylogeny of jawless, bony, ray-finned, and lobe-finned fish.
  • 1/16: First issue of Nature with history of humerus
  • 1/17: Sketched our Ring of Life, Historical Cone of Life
  • 1/24: started annotating 2016 Doolitle and Brunet
  • 1/27: Received Xu’s Comparative Genomics
  • 1/28: Received by Molecular Evolution: A Phylogenetic Approach by Rod Page and Edward Holmes (1998)

February 2021

  • 2/02/2021: Listened to a16z Bio Eats World interview with Rick Young from MIT about how only 2% of the human genome codes for protein, but a significant fraction does code for RNA or plays other regulatory functions.
  • 2/06: Joseph’s Felsenstein’s 2004 textbook Inferring Phylogenies arrived.
  • 2/09: Built new page for MIT 7.QBWX course; started Matlab tutorial.
  • 2/11: Browsed February 4, 2021 issue of Nature (Vol. 590, Issue 7844).
    • Review Function and regulation of the divisome for mitochondrial fission
    • p. 171 - Mental health crisis among US grad students
    • p. 173 - Reasons to love the command line
    • p. 40, 89 - Bayesian optimization machine learning to optimize synthetic chemistry reactions
    • p. 41, 151 - Mouse gut immune response to bacterial infection leads to post-infection abdominal pain when eating antigen-carrying food
    • p. 67 - Math research: builidng a systematic way of generating polymonial continued fractions (PCFs) and more generally mathematical relations of fundamental constants