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2023 Log

7/07/2023 - Chinese History

Major Dynasties

  1. 秦朝 - qín cháo (Qin Dynasty, 221 - 206 BC)
  2. 漢朝 - hàn cháo (Han Dynasty, 215 BC - 220 AD)
  3. 唐朝 - táng cháo (Tang Dynasty, 618 AD - 907 AD)
  4. 宋朝 - sòng cháo (Song Dynasty, 960 - 1127 AD)
  5. 元朝 - yuán cháo (Yuan Dynasty, 1271 - 1368 AD) - see also 玩 wánr from L11
  6. 明朝 - míng cháo (Ming Dynasty, 1368 - 1644 AD)
  7. 清朝 - qīng cháo (Qing / Manchu Dynasty, 1644 - 1912 AD)

    Complete Dynastic History

  8. 戰國時代 - zhàn guó shí dài (Warring States period, ~250 years from ~475 BC to 220 BC)
  9. 秦朝 - qín cháo (Qin Dynasty, 221 - 206 BC)
  10. 西漢 - xī hàn cháo (Western Han Dynasty, 215 years to 9 AD)
  11. 新 - xīn cháo (Xin Dynasty, 15 years to 26 AD)
  12. 東漢 - dōng hàn cháo (Eastern Han Dynasty, 195 years to 220 AD)
  13. 三國 - sān guó (Three Kingdoms, 45 years to 265 AD)
  14. 西晉- xī jìn cháo (Western Jin Dynasty, 52 years to 317 AD)
  15. 晉 - jìn cháo (Eastern Jin Dynasty, 103 years to 420 AD)
  16. 隋 - suí cháo (Sui Dynasty, 37 years to 618 AD)
  17. - táng cháo (Tang Dynasty, 289 years to 907 AD)
  18. 五代十國 - wǔ dài shí guó (Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, 53 years to 960 AD)
  19. 北宋 - běi sòng cháo (Northern Song Dynasty, 167 years to 1127 AD)
  20. 南宋 - nán sòng cháo (Southern Song Dynasty, 152 years to 1279 AD)
  21. 元 - yuán cháo (Yuan Dynasty, 97 years to 1368 AD)
  22. - míng cháo (Ming Dynasty, 276 years to 1644 AD)
  23. - qīng cháo (Qing / Manchu Dynasty, 267 years to 1911)

5/10 - 8/03

  1. 繼承之戰 [继承之战] — jì chéng zhī zhàn. Chinese version of title for HBO Succession. Literal: “The Battle for Inheritance”.
  2. 個 [个] - gè (measure word)
  3. 螞蟻 [蚂蚁] - mǎ yǐ (ant)
  4. 到 - dào (arrive)
  5. 6/25 - 99 Ranch and Liang Mama with Julian
  6. 火車到站了- huǒchē dào zhàn le (literal fire car arrived station; ‘train has arrived at the station’) See zhàn in L17.
  7. 鬼神 - guǐ shén (ghost; spirit; supernatural beings) - from this pro-orca meme
  8. 半小時過去了, 我一道題也沒做出來。 - Bàn xiǎoshí guòqu le, wǒ yī dào tí yě méi zuò chūlai. (After half an hour, I hadn’t even finished one question.) See also L7
  9. 南京 - Nánjīng
  10. 自己 - zì jǐ (oneself; i.e. “by yourself) See also L10
  11. 滾蛋 [滚蛋] - gǔn dàn (vulgar get lost! beat it! f* off! from 北京 mean girl on TikTok)
  12. 功夫 and variant 工夫 - gōng fu (multiple definitions, including free time and kung fu. See Pleco entry for 工夫)
  13. 別罵我 [別骂我] - bié mà wǒ (don’t yell at me) from TikTok. See also 別 usage from L22.
  14. 嗑藥 [嗑药] - kè yào (to take drugs). See also L20. yào looks like yuè from 音樂 (music) from L18.
  15. 騙 [骗] - piàn (to fool, to trick). From CH. Similar to 乾扁牛/羊 from ch-food
  16. 王小川 Wáng Xiǎochuān founded the search engine Sogou which is now a subsidiary of Tencent. Literal translation of Sogou is ‘search dog’ aka 搜狗 sōu gǒu.
  17. 6/30 - See notes on 丁丁 (Tin Tin)
  18. 戰略 [战略] - zhàn lüè (strategy) as in business strategy or 八八戰略 bā bā zhàn lüè planned for Zhe Jiang province. See also in 走路 road from L20.
  19. 台灣 [台湾] - Táiwān
  20. 阿媽 [阿妈] - ā mā (grandmother. In “Taiwan and southeastern China where the Minnan language is spoken, refers to paternal grandmother, father’s mom.”) See also L19.
  21. 鹽 [盐] - yán (salt) see also Crouching Tiger lunch on ch-food page.

8/05 - 9/10

  1. 怡情黎 - yí qíng lí (happy, affectionate, Li ethnic group in Hainan). See LRB.
  2. 高原 - gāo yuán (noun plateau, highland). See LRB.
  3. 方舟 - fāng zhōu (Noah’s Ark; *literary 2 boats sailing side-by-side.) LRB
  4. 危險 [危险]- wēi xiǎn (danger). 臉 xiǎn looks like 臉[脸] face from L17.
  5. 自由 - zì yóu (adjective relaxed, unrestrained; noun freedom, civil liberties). see also 油 from L17.
  6. 東寧 [东宁] - Dōng níng (literal “east peace”). First Han state that included part of Taiwan, 1661-1683. See Kingdom of Dōngníng. Heard about in Ep 2 of History of Taiwan with Prof. James Lin
  7. 經驗 [经验] - jīng yàn (experience). See also 臉 [脸] liǎn (face) from L17.
  8. 討厭 [讨厌] - tǎo yàn (annoyed, annoying). See also from L14, 討論 [讨论] - tǎo lùn (to discuss)
  9. 比基尼 - bǐ jī ní (bikini)
  10. 根本問題 [根本问题]- gēn běn wèn tí (fundamental issue; basic problem). 根 looks like 很.
  11. 堂堂正正 - táng táng zhèng zhèng (impressive, dignified; open and aboveboard). From 堂堂正正的中国人 which was a nationalistic KMT term imposed by Chiang Kai-Shek in Taiwan to refer to the “aboveboard wai shen ren” after 1949. From the wiki article about 蔡同榮 Cài Tóngróng, the academic who co-founded WUFI in 1970 and FAPA in 1982. Also politician in the DPP.
  12. 發音 [发音] - fā yīn (pronunciation). See also L31.
  13. 太陽 [太阳] - tài yáng (sun, sunshine)
  14. 先生 - xiān sheng (mister)

9/10 - 10/15

Language Log arguments about Chinese characters on Language Log

Unix + Python scripting to generate stats

  • 7/28/2023 – See proj-3 directory and examine chatlog.txt file to see bash tr one-liner. Also in OneNote.
    • input.txt = 846 unique characters.
    • output.txt = 733 unique characters, meaning we stripped out 113 Latin characters, puncutation, etc. using python script.
  • 8/10/2023 – Reran in proj-3 and added new undesired characters from output.txt to list of punctuation to be excluded.
    • input.txt = 990 lines
    • output.txt = 779 unique characters after deleting undesired Latin characters, puncutation, etc. using python script.


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Harvard Mandarin Textbook

Lesson 1

  1. 學生 - xué shēng
  2. 老師 - lǎo shī (See also 教師 jiào shī ‘teacher’ in L19)
  3. 你 - nǐ
  4. 是 - shì
  5. 美國 [美国] - Měi guó
  6. 人 - rén
  7. 嗎 - ma
  8. 我 - wǒ
  9. 不 - bù
  10. 中國 [中国] - Zhōng guó
  11. 這 [这] - zhè
  12. 那 - nà
  13. 書 - shū
  14. 报纸 JH preferred simplified - bào zhǐ (newspaper). 报looks like fu from 衣服 yī fu, L26.
  15. 報紙 traditional - bào zhǐ (newspaper)

Lesson 2

  1. 有 - yǒu
  2. 一張紙 - yī zhāng zhǐ (one sheet of paper. ‘zhāng’ is a measure word)
  3. 兩 - liǎng
  4. 很大 - hěn dà
  5. 很小 - hěn xiǎ
  6. 沒有 - méiyǒu
  7. 一本書 - yī běn shū (one book. ‘běn’ is a measure word)
  8. 新 - xīn (new)
  9. 舊 [旧] - jiù (old)
  10. 多少 - duō shǎo
  11. 好 - hǎo
  12. 一個人 (一 个 人) - yī gè rén. Simplified version of gè.
  13. 北京 - Běijīng

Lesson 3

  1. 毛筆 - máo bǐ
  2. 枝 - zhī (measure word for ‘long, thin, inflexible objects’. see ‘flowers’ below)
  3. 一枝梅花 - yī zhī méihuā (a spray of plum blossoms — applied for flowers with their stems intact)
  4. 的 - de
  5. Pencil - qiān bǐ. 鉛筆 (traditional). 铅笔 (simplified).
  6. 長 - cháng (long)
  7. 短 - duǎn (short)
  8. 你們 - nǐ men
  9. 黑 - hēi (black)
  10. 白 - bái (white)
  11. 乾淨 - gān jing (clean). See also 靜jìng from L26.
  12. 本子 - běn zi (notebook)
  13. 對不對 - duì bù duì (is that right?)
  14. 對 - duì (correct; to, towards – second def is from L21)
  15. 對不對? 恩, 那就對了! - Duì bù duì? Ēn, nà jiù duì le!
  16. 朋友 - péng yǒu
  17. 中文 - Zhōng wén
  18. 英國 - Yīngguó (England)
  19. 英文 - Yīng wén (English)

Lesson 4

  1. 工作- gōng zuò (‘work’ as both a noun and a verb)
  2. 只 - zhǐ (only)
  3. 只有你 - zhǐ yǒu nǐ (only you)
  4. 學習 [学习] - xué xí (to study or learn)
  5. 看 - kàn (to look at)
  6. 呢 - ne (question particle)
  7. 呣 - ḿ (‘What did you say?’; Expressing skepticism in response)
  8. 也 - yě (also)
  9. 幾 [几] - jǐ (how many; how few)
  10. Traditional: 你要幾隻雞 - nǐ yào jǐ zhī jī (How many chickens do you want?)
  11. Simplified: 你要几只鸡 - nǐ yào jǐ zhī jī (How many chickens do you want?)
  12. 教 - jiào (to teach)
  13. 給 [给] - gěi (to give)
  14. 謝謝 [谢谢] - xiè xiè (thank you)

Lesson 5

  1. 椅子 - yǐ zi (chair)
  2. 和 - hé (and). See also 暖和 nuǎn huo from L23. And 跟 gēn from L8.
  3. 桌子 - zhuō zi (table)
  4. 都 - dōu (all)
  5. 我們都走了 - wǒ men dōu zǒu le (We’ve all left)
  6. 一些 - yī xiē (a few)
  7. 學校 [学校] - xué xiào (school)
  8. 人們 [人们] - rén men (people)
  9. 日報 [日报] - rì bào (daily newspaper)
  10. 畫報 [画报] - huà bào (pictoral)
  11. 有意思 - yǒu yì si (interesting)
  12. 日語 [日语] - Rì yǔ (Japanese)
  13. 用 - yòng (to use)
  14. 練習[练习] - liàn xí (exercise, to practice)
  15. 作 - zuò (to do, to make)
  16. 會 [会] - huì (to know how, to be skillful)
  17. 漢語 [汉语] - Hàn yǔ (Chinese)
  18. 還 [还] - huán (to go back to; to give back, repay)
  19. …還是 [还是]…? - hái shì (…or…?)
  20. Traditional: 我應該吃這個還是那個 - Wǒ yīng gāi chī zhège háishì nàgè (Should I eat this or that?)
  21. Simplified: 我应该吃这个还是那个 - Wǒ yīng gāi chī zhège háishì nàgè (Should I eat this or that?)
    • see also L13

Lesson 6

  1. 姓 - xìng (surname)
  2. 叫 - jiào (shout; call, greet; hire, order)
  3. 甚麽 [什么] - shén me (what)
  4. 名字 - míng zi (name)
  5. 怎麼 [怎么] - zěn me (how/why) See also L15
  6. Traditional: 這怎麼發生的 - zhè zěnme fāshēng de? (How did this happen?)
  7. Simplified: 这怎么发生的 - Zhè zěnme fāshēng de? (How did this happen?)
  8. 以前 - yǐ qián (before)
  9. 吧 - ba (suggestion particle; request or mild command; indicating consent or approval; indicating some doubt in the speaker’s mind)
  10. 位 - wèi (measure word for people or position; eg. restaurants, numerical digits)
  11. 知道 - zhī dào (to know)
  12. 了解 - liǎo jiě (to understand)
  13. 懂 - dǒng (to understand). Radical is 重 zhòng from Lessons 14 and 24. And 種 zhǒng from L15.
  14. 日本 - Rì běn (Japan)
  15. 第一 - dì yī (ordinal number aka ‘#1’)
  16. 你是誰 [谁] - nǐ shì shuí (shuí = ‘who’)
  17. 大學 - dà xué (college)
  18. 室友 - shì yǒu (roommate)
  19. 同屋 - tóng wū (roommate)

Lesson 7

  1. 星期 - xīng qí (week)
  2. 禮拜 [礼拜] lǐ bài (week) also used for Monday, Tuesday, etc…
  3. 礼拜一 - lǐ bài yī (Monday)
  4. 礼拜二 - lǐ bài èr (Tuesday)
  5. 礼拜三 - lǐ bài sān (Wednesday)
  6. 礼拜四 - lǐ bài sì (Thursday)
  7. 年 - nián
  8. 月 - yu (month)
  9. 一個月 [一个月]- yī gè yu
  10. 一天 - yī tiān (one day)
  11. 一个小時 - yī gè xiǎo shí (one hour)
  12. 一分鐘 [一分钟] - yī fēn zhōng (one minute)
  13. 兩點鐘 [两点钟] - liǎng diǎn zhōng (two o’clock)
  14. 今天 - jīn tiān (today) See main section in L11
  15. 今年 - jīn nián (this year)
  16. 日 - rì (day)
  17. 忙 - máng (busy)
  18. 去 -qù (to go)
  19. 來 [来] - lái (to come)
  20. 過來 [过来]- guò lái (come over here)
  21. 過[过]- guò (to cross; to pass time)
  22. 現在 [现在] - xiàn zài (right now)
  23. 時候 [时候] - shí hòu (time) See also 時間 shí jiān in L18
  24. 什麼時候 [什么时候] - shénme shíhòu (what time?)
  25. 零 - líng (zero)
  26. 一半 - yī bàn (one half)
  27. 半小時過去了, 我一道題也沒做出來。 - Bàn xiǎoshí guòqu le, wǒ yī dào tí yě méi zuò chūlai. (After half an hour, I hadn’t even finished one question.)

Lesson 8

  1. 到 - dào (arrived)
  2. 上午 - shàng wǔ (morning)
  3. 下午 - xià wǔ (afternoon)
  4. 要 - yào (to want)
  5. 跟 - gēn (with). See also 和 from L5.
  6. 但是 - dàn shì (but)
  7. 哪兒 [儿] - nǎr? (where?)
  8. 哪裏 [里] - nǎ lǐ? (where?); 里 also means (mile)
  9. 哪兒 [儿] - nàr! (there!)
  10. 那裏 [里] - nà lǐ! (there!)
  11. 你在哪兒 [儿]? - nǐ zài nǎr? (Where are you?)
  12. 裏⧸裡 [里] - lǐ. E.g., where are you? and these are all equivalent 你在哪裏? 你在哪裡? 你在哪里?
  13. 這裡[这里] - zhè lǐ (here)
  14. 這兒 [这儿] - zhèr (here)
  15. 問 - wèn (to ask)
  16. 宿舍 - sù shè (dormitory)
  17. 一起 - yī qǐ (together)
  18. 對不起 [对不起] - duì bù qǐ (i’m sorry) Originally from L20
  19. 有事兒 - yǒu shèr (busy)
  20. 我有事要做 - wǒ yǒu shì yào zuò (I have things to do)
  21. 喜歡 [喜欢] - xǐ huan (to like)
  22. 電影 [电影] - diàn yǐng (movie)
  23. 從 [从]- cóng (from) See also L15
  24. 你從哪來? [你从哪来?] - nǐ cóng nǎ lái? (Where are you from?)
  25. 為什么 JH preferred - wéi shén me? (why?). [为甚麽 simp+trad] - wéi shén me? (why?)

Lesson 9

  1. 好看 - hǎo kàn (good looking)
  2. 舒服 - shū fú (comfortable). See also clothing from L26.
  3. 有時候 [有时候] - yǒu shí hòu (sometimes)
  4. 有时候(兒) - yǒu shí hòu(r)
  5. 外邊 [外边] - wài bian (outside)
  6. 里边 - lǐ bian (inside); trad 裏⧸裡 邊 - lǐ bian
  7. 前邊 [前边] - qián bian (front)
  8. 後邊 [后边] - hòu bian (back;rear)
  9. 右邊 [右边] - yòu bian (right side)
  10. 左邊 [左边] - zuǒ bian (left side)
  11. 上邊 [上边] - shàng bian (top side)
  12. 下邊 [下边] - xià bian (bottom side)
  13. 旁邊 [旁边] - páng bian (to the side)
  14. 中間兒 [中间儿] - zhōng jiān(r)
  15. 地方 - dì fang (place)
  16. 自學 [自学] - zì xué (self study)
  17. 圖書館 [图书馆] - tú shū guǎn (library)
  18. 常常 - cháng cháng (frequently, usually)
  • 兒 [儿] THIS is ‘r’
  • 邊 [边] - bian THIS is ‘b’
  • 裏⧸裡 [里] - lǐ THIS is ‘k’
  • 了 - le THIS IS ‘l’
  • ‘h navigates to 還[还] or and return

Lesson 10

  1. 太 - tài (too as in ‘too much’)
  2. 自己 - zì jǐ (oneself)
  3. 教書 - jiāo shū (to teach)
  4. 看書 - kàn shū (to read silently)
  5. 念書 [念书] - niàn shū (to study)
  6. 得- de (verb particle)
  7. 一定 - yī dìng (definitely, certainly)
  8. 特別 - tè bié (especially)
  9. 高興 [高兴]- gāo xìng (happy)
  10. 寫字 [写字] - xiě zì (to write characters)
  11. 快 - kuài (fast)
  12. 慢 - màn (slow)
  13. 说話 [说话] - shuō huà (to talk)
  14. 跳舞 - tiào wǔ (to dance)
  15. 唱歌 (兒) - chàng gē (r) (to sing a song)
  16. 國歌 [国歌] - guó gē (national anthem)

Lesson 11

  1. 前天 - qián tiān (day before yesterday)
  2. 昨天 - zuó tiān (yesterday)
  3. 今天 - jīn tiān (today)
  4. 明天 - míng tiān (tomorrow)
  5. 後天 [后天] - hòu tiān (day after tomorrow)
  6. 这么 [trad 這麼] - zhè me (this way; like this)
  7. 那么 [trad 那麼] - nà me (like that; in that way)
  8. 剛纔 [刚才] - gāng cái (a moment ago; just now)
  9. 年級 [年级] - nián jí (class/year in school). See also from L17, 极了 jí le.
  10. 學期 [学期] - xué qī (school term)
  11. 參加 [参加] - cān jiā (to join a group; to participate). See also 增加 zēng jiā from L24.
  12. 吃 - chī (to eat)
  13. 東西 [东西] - dōng xi (a thing)
  14. 玩兒 [玩儿] - wánr (to play; have fun; amuse oneself)
  15. 早 - zǎo (early)
  16. 晚 - wǎn (late)
  17. 早安 - zǎo’ān (good morning)
  18. 晚安 - wǎn’ān (good evening)
  19. 晚會 [晚会]- wǎn huì (evening party; evening entertainment)
  20. 已經 [已经] - yǐ jīng (already)
  21. 經過 [经过] - jīng guò (pass, go through, undergo)
  22. 開始 [开始] - kāi shǐ (to begin)
  23. 開[开] - kāi (to open)
  24. 開車 [开车] - kāi chē (to drive a car) originally from L20
  25. 關 [関;关] - guān (to open; noun barrier, critical juncture; mountain pass; customs gate). See also 沒關係 méi guān xi from L13.
  26. 哈佛 - Hāfó (Harvard). See also 合作社 co-op from L15

Lesson 12

  1. 見 [见] - jiàn (verb: to meet with, to catch sight of; noun: view, opinion)
  2. 認識 [认识] - rèn shi (to recognize someone; to be reacquainted). See also L24 and L25.
  3. 念 - niàn (to read out loud; to think of / miss; to consider or take into account)
  4. 大家 - dà jiā (everyone)
  5. 哦 - ó (interjection expressing doubt)
  6. 哦 - ò (interjection expressing realization; understanding)
  7. 聽 [听] - tīng (to listen)
  8. 不錯 [不错] - bù cuò (correct; not bad; pretty good). See also L22.
  9. 句 - jù (measure word for sentence)
  10. 句子 - jù zi (sentence)
  11. 走 - zǒu (to walk)
  12. 就 - jiù (adverb at once; right away; already; as early as)
  13. 晚上 - wǎn shang (evening; night)
  14. 晚飯 [晚饭] - wǎn fàn (dinner)
  15. 講 [讲] - jiǎng (lecture; speech; to speak or tell)
  16. 講幾句話 [讲几句话]- jiǎng jǐ jù huà (to say a few words)
  17. 清楚 - qīng chu (clarity, to be clear about, to understand)
  18. 復⧸複習 [复习] - fù xí (to review; revision)
  19. 語法 [语法] - yǔ fǎ (grammar)
  20. 辦法 [办法] - bàn fǎ (solution) See also L15
  21. 法國 [法国]- Fǎ guó (France)
  22. 課文 [课文] - kè wén (text)
  23. 功課 [功课] - gōng kè (homework; schoolwork)
  24. 生詞 [生词] - shēng cí (new word)

Lesson 13

  1. 漢字 [汉字] - Hàn zì (Chinese characters)
  2. 沒関係 [没关系] - méi guān xi (it doesn’t matter; polite ‘that’s all right’, ‘never mind’) See L11
  3. 以後 [以后] - yǐ hòu (later)
  4. 得 - děi (need; must; to have to)
  5. 字典 - zì diǎn (dictionary)
  6. 能 - néng (to be able to)
  7. 想 - xiǎng (to think)
  8. 打球 - dǎ qiú (to play ball)
  9. 打 - dǎ (to hit)
  10. 球 - qiú (ball)
  11. 應該 [应该] - yīng gāi (should) see also L5
  12. 考試 [考试] - kǎo shì (to take an exam). See also L17 試 to try.
  13. 準備 [准备] - zhǔn bèi (to prepare)
  14. 努力 - nǔ lì (diligent)
  15. 非常 - fēi cháng (extremely)
  16. 可以 - kě yǐ (can, may; colloquial passable, not bad)
  17. 找 - zhǎo (to look for, to seek). See also L28 for “giving change back”.
  18. 不用 - bù yòng (don’t have to)

Lesson 14

  1. 同學 [同学] tóng xué (schoolmate)
  2. 演 - yǎn (perform, play, act in a play). See also L29.
  3. 話劇 [话剧] huà jù (a play)
  4. 通知 - tōng zhī (paper notice; announcement). See also 止痛片 zhǐ tòng piàn from L20
  5. 交 - jiāo (to hand in an assignment). See also 水餃 [水饺] shuǐ jiǎ boiled dumplings
  6. 注意 - zhù yì (pay close attention) See also 住 (to live) in L19. And 有意思 yǒu yì si from L5.
  7. 因為[因为]…所以 - yīn wei…suǒ yǐ (Because…therefore…)
  8. 报告 - bào gào (report) See also 告訴 gào su in L15
  9. 别的 - bié de (others) See also 特別 (especially) in L10
  10. 别人 - bié rén (other people). Originally introduced in L16
  11. 事情 - shì qing (matter, affair, issue)
  12. 有名 - yǒu míng
  13. 不停的 - bù tíng de (without stopping)
  14. 拊手 - fǔ shǒu (to clap hands)
  15. 拊掌大笑 - fǔ zhǎng dà xiào (to clap hands and laugh heartily)
  16. 休息 - xiū xi (rest)
  17. 重要 - zhòng yào (important)
  18. 意思 - yì si (meaning) See also L5
  19. 討論 [讨论] - tǎo lùn (to discuss). See also 論文 lùn wén (dissertation) from L29.

Lesson 15

  1. 買[买] - mǎi (to buy)
  2. 賣[卖] - mài (to sell)
  3. 拿 - ná (take, hold; seize, capture, take over; get, gain, win)
  4. 當然 [当然] - dāng rán (of course). See also 雖然 from L25.
  5. 種 [种] - zhǒng (type, kind)
  6. 有用 - yǒu yòng (useful)
  7. 歡迎 [欢迎] - huān yíng (welcome) see also 喜歡 from L8. Originally from L18.
  8. 合作社 - hé zuò shè (co-op; workers or farmers cooperative). See also 哈佛 Harvard from L11
  9. 每 - měi (every; each; per); e.g., měi tiān
  10. 上課 [上课] - shàng kè attend class
  11. 從…到 [从…到] - cóng…dào (from…to…) See also L8
  12. 怎麼辦? [怎么办]?- zěn me bàn?(What’s to be done? or Now what?) See also L6
  13. 辦法 [办法] - bàn fǎ (way, means, measure) See also L12
  14. 方法 - fāng fǎ (method, way, means)
  15. 告訴 [告诉] - gào su (to tell some) See also 报告 bào gào in L14
  16. 互相 - hù xiāng (mutually)
  17. 要是…就 - yào shi…jiù (if…then…)
  18. 必須 [必须] - bì xū (should; present)
  19. 問題 [问题] - wèn tí (question, problem)
  20. 回答 - huí dá (reply, response, answer)

Lesson 16

  1. 請 [请] - qǐng (please). See also verb ‘to ask’ definition introduced in L22
  2. 件 - jiàn (measure word for clothing, furniture, luggage, or a piece of work)
  3. 課本 [课本] - kè běn (textbook)
  4. 剛 [刚] - gāng (just) see also L11
  5. 完 - wán (finished, e.g., 吃完了)
  6. 東方 [东方] - dōng fāng (the east, the Far East/Orient, “Eastern / Asian Style”)
  7. 西方 [西方] - xī fāng (the West, the Occident, “Western/European Style”)
  8. 南方 - nán fāng (from the South, “Southern Style”). Originally introduced in L22.
  9. 書店 [书店] - shū diàn (bookstore)
  10. 也許 [也许] - yě xǔ (perhaps, probably, maybe). See also 許多xǔ duō from L30.
  11. 高 - gāo (high)
  12. 低 - dī (low, opposite of 高)
  13. 行 - xíng (adjective capable, sufficient, competent; temporary, makeshift)
  14. 看見 [看见] - kàn jian (to see)
  15. 著 [着] - zháo (verb to succeed in, to hit the mark; to touch, to come into contact with)
  16. 開會 [开会] - kāi huì (to hold a meeting)
  17. 當 [当] - dāng (to assume the role of, to work as, to serve as)
  18. 水平 - shuǐ píng (level of proficency, level of achievement; standard, level)
  19. 水平很高 - shuǐ píng hěn gāo (be well above average; outstanding)

Lesson 17

  1. 門口兒 [门口儿] - mén kǒu(r) (entrance)
  2. 紅 [红] - hóng (red)
  3. 紅油 [红油] - hóng yóu (red oil; chili oil)
  4. 覺得 [觉得] - jué de (to feel)
  5. 有一點 [点有一] yǒu yī diǎn (somewhat, a bit)
  6. 有一點兒 [点有一儿] yǒu yī diǎn r (somewhat, a bit)
  7. 頭 [头] - tóu (head)
  8. 臉 [脸] - liǎn (face). See also 險 (danger) and [经验] - jīng yàn (experience).
  9. 疼 - téng (to ache; to have pain). Not to be confused with 痌 tōng (pain). See also 冬天 winter from L23.
  10. 窗戶 [窗户] - chuāng hu (window) aka 窗子 chuāng zi
  11. 試 [试] - shì (to try, to test). See also L13 for 考試.
  12. 壞 [坏] - huài (to be broken, bad, ruined, spoiled; noun evil idea, dirty trick)
  13. 壞 [坏] 孩子 - huài hái zi (bad or naughty child)
  14. 差不多 - chà bu duō (almost)
  15. 完全 - wán quán (completely). See also L29.
  16. 借 - jiè (to borrow; lend)
  17. 成 - chéng (to succeed; to become). See also L18 城裏.
  18. 熱 [热] - rè (hot). See also 热情 rè qíng from L21.
  19. 燙 [烫] - tàng (verb to scald, burn, heat up in water, to blanch, to warm with iron, to press clothing; adjective very hot, scalding, boiling hot)
  20. 盪 [荡] - tàng (verb to scald, to burn (by hot water), to blanch, to heat in hot water, to iron)
  21. 站 - zhàn (verb to stand; noun stop like a train station)
  22. 坐 - zuò (to sit)
  23. 極了 [极了] - jí le (very, extremely). For simplified version, see also [年级] - nián jí from L11.
  24. 積極 [积极] - jī jí (positive; enthusiastic) originally from L10
  25. 就是 - jiù shì (exactly). See Pleco for many other uses. originally from L19

Lesson 18

  1. 進 [进] - jìn (to enter)
  2. 搬 [般] - bān (to move)
  3. 間 - jiān (measure word for rooms)
  4. 屋子 - wūz (room)
  5. 一間屋子 - yī jiān wūz (a single bedroom); see Pleco for many other uses of 間
  6. 山 - shān (mountain)
  7. 貴 [贵] - guì (expensive)
  8. 便宜 - pián yi (inexpensive)
  9. 方便 - fāng biàn (convenient)
  10. 城裏 [城里] - chéng lǐ (in town; in the city). See also 成 in L17 and L29
  11. 時間 [时间] - shí jiān (time) See also 時候 shí hòu in L7
  12. 公共汽車 [公共汽车] - gōng gòng qì chē (bus)
  13. 自行車 [自行车] - zì xíng chē (bicycle). See also 旅行 lǚ xíng (vacation) from L29.
  14. 騎 [骑] - qí (to ride a bicycle or vehicle). See also 奇from 奇怪 qí guài (strange) in L20.
  15. 一輛自行車 [一辆自行车] - yī liàng zì xíng chē (one bicycle, liang is measure word for vehicles)
  16. 收音機 [收音机] - shōu yīn jī (radio)
  17. 音樂 [音乐] - yīn yuè (music). Originally introduced in L29 but JH moved it here.
  18. 快樂 [快乐] - kuài lè (happy, joyful). A bit confusing because the same character 樂 can be prounced yuè or depending on context–see yīn yuè in this chapter.
  19. 帶[带] - dài (to bring along, to carry)
  20. 回 - huí (to return) See also 回答 huí dá in L15
  21. 費 [费] - fèi (to take a lot, e.g., làng fèi means “waste”)
  22. 免費 [免费] - miǎn fèi (free of charge). Note similarity with 晚安 good evening from Lesson 11.
  23. 出 - chū (exit)
  24. 倒是 - dào shì (admittedly)
  25. 樓 [楼] - lóu (floor of a building–originally in L19 below)

Lesson 19

  1. 父母 - fù mǔ (parents)
  2. 父親 [父亲] fù qin (father); 爸爸 bà ba
  3. 母親 [母亲] - mǔ qin (mother); 媽媽 [妈妈] - mā ma
  4. 哥哥 - gē ge (older brother)
  5. 弟弟 - dì di (younger brother)
  6. 姐姐 - jiě jie (older sister)
  7. 妹妹 - mèi mei (younger sister)
  8. 大夫 - dài fu (colloquial doctor, physician)
  9. 大夫 - dà fū (archaic senior official)
  10. 談話 [谈话] - tán huà (to chat)
  11. 台北 - Tái běi (Taipei)
  12. 忘 - wàng (to forget)
  13. 客氣 [客气] - kè qi (polite, courteous)
  14. 住 - zhù (to live at). See also 注意 zhù yì from L14.
  15. 習慣 [习惯] - xí guàn (to be used to)
  16. 教師 [教师] - jiào shī See also 老師 from L1
  17. 啊 - à (“ah” as an interjection). Also 啊媽 ā mā grandmother.

Lesson 20

  1. 再見 [再见] - zài jiàn (goodbye). See also L27.
  2. 一會兒 [一会儿] - yī huì(r) (in a moment)
  3. 電話 [电话] - diàn huà (telephone)
  4. 手機 [手机] - shǒu jī (mobile phone)
  5. 智能手機 [智能手机] zhì néng shǒu jī (smartphone)
  6. 走路 - zǒu lù (to walk on a road). See also L24 for jiē. And 戰略 strategy.
  7. 了 - liǎo (to be able to, clear-sighted, to understand clearly)
  8. 喂 - wéi? (hello when answering the phone)
  9. 喂 - wèi (hey! hello! as an interjection – see Pleco)
  10. 奇怪 - qí guài (strange, weird). See also 骑from L18.
  11. 叫 - jiào (call, greet; cry, shout; hire, order a cab; permit, allow; to be named)
  12. 藥 [药] - yào (medicine). See also 7/19 notes on taking drugs.
  13. 片兒 [片儿] - piān(r) (a piece)
  14. 病 - bìng (illness)
  15. 感冒 - gǎn mào (to catch a cold)
  16. 發燒 [发烧] - fā shāo (to run a fever)
  17. 發展 [发展] - fā zhǎn (to develop). See also L24.
  18. 止痛片 - zhǐ tòng piàn (painkiller, aspirin). See also 通知 tōng zhī from L14. Also zhǐ is similar to 正 from L23.
  19. 醫院 [医院] - yī yuàn (hospital). 院 is like 元 Yuan Dynasty.

Lesson 21

  1. 信 - xìn (letter)
  2. 病人 - bìng rén (sick person, patient)
  3. 或者 - huò zhě (either…or…). Don’t confuse with 都 dōu (all) from L5
  4. 熱情 [热情] - rè qíng (warm, compassionate). See also 热 from L17.
  5. 送 - sòng (to send, to give as a present; to deliver; to accompany, escort)
  6. 決定 [决定] - jué dìng (to decide)
  7. 搞 - gǎo (to get tangled with)
  8. 小說 [小说] - xiǎo shuō (noun a novel)
  9. 身體 [身体] - shēn tǐ (body)
  10. 並且 [并且] - bìng qiě (and, besides, moreover; as well as)
  11. 替 - tì (take the place of; replace, substitute for)
  12. …史 - shǐ (history of …)
  13. 翻譯 [翻译] - fān yì (translate)
  14. 冷 - lěng (cold)
  15. 希望 - xī wàng (hope - both noun and verb)
  16. 祝 - zhù (to wish well, e.g., 祝你好)
  17. 還 [还是] - hái shì (…or…?) from L5. As an alternative to 或者 huò zhě
  18. 還 [还] - is also huán (to go back to; to give back, repay) from L5. Delete when done
  19. 給 [给] - gěi (to give) from L4. Delete when done

Lesson 22

  1. 就要…了 - jiù yào…le (about to…)
  2. 春節 [春节] - Chūn Jié (Spring Festival)
  3. 它⧸牠 - tā (it)
  4. 一樣 [一样] - yī yàng (to be the same)
  5. 像 - xiàng (to resemble)
  6. 聖誕節 [圣诞节] - Shèng dàn Jié (Christmas)
  7. 聖誕老人 - shèng dàn lǎo rén (Santa Claus)
  8. 放假 - fàng jià (to have vacation). See also 蝦 xiā from Chinese food page.
  9. 兒女 [儿女] - ér nǚ (children; literally ‘boy girl’)
  10. 錯 [错] - cuò (wrong). See also L12.
  11. 次 - cì (number of times, e.g., 三次 means ‘3 times’.) Many other defs including position in a series, 2nd rate, etc. See Pleco for more on 次.
  12. 筷子 - kuài zi (chopsticks)
  13. 餓 [饿] - è (hungry)
  14. 家 - jiā (house)
  15. 飯館 [饭馆] - fàn guǎn (restaurant)
  16. 難 [难] - nán (difficult, hard). See also L25
  17. 過[过]- guò (to cross; to pass time) Originally from L7. Delete when finished
  18. 別 - bié (don’t…) See also TikTok at top of file. 別罵我 - bié mà wǒ (don’t yell at me)
  19. 請 [请] - qǐng (to ask). See also verb ‘please’ definition from L16. Delete when finished
  20. 菜 - cài (vegetable) DELETE WHEN FINISHED.

Lesson 23

  1. 正 - zhèng (correct, right, straighten)
  2. 真 - zhēn (really; real)
  3. 著 [着] - zhe (particle added to indicate ‘continued action or state’, e.g., 站著 zhàn zhe means “standing”)
  4. 比 - bǐ (compare; also vulgar for South American la concha)
  5. 暖和 - nuǎn huo (adjective warm, mild; verb warm up). Same character as in L5.
  6. 大衣 - dà yī (overcoat)
  7. 天氣 [天气] - tiān qì (weather)
  8. 下雨 - xià yǔ (to rain)
  9. 下雪 - xià xuě (to snow)
  10. 颳風 [刮风] - guā fēng (to be windy)
  11. 春天 - chūn tiān (spring)
  12. 夏天 - xià tiān (summer)
  13. 秋天 - qiū tiān (autumn, fall)
  14. 冬天 - dōng tiān (winter). See also 疼 pain from L17.
  15. 去年 - qù nián (last year)
  16. 好像 - hǎo xiàng (very like, similar to, resembles)
  17. 過去 [过去] - guo qu or guò qù (to pass by)
  18. 漂亮 - piào liang (pretty). See also L28.
  19. 讓 [让] - ràng (to allow)
  20. 男 - nán (male)
  21. 女 - nǚ (female)
  22. 穿 - chuān (to wear)

Lesson 24

  1. 同時 [同时] - tóng shí (at the same time, simultaneously, meanwhile)
  2. 散步 - sàn bù (to walk, stroll)
  3. 介紹 [介绍] - jiè shào (to introduce, to present, to recommend)
  4. 小姐 - xiǎo jiě (young lady)
  5. 生活 - shēng huó (life, livelihood). Reminds me of 話 huà.
  6. 比方說 [比方说] - bǐ fang shuō (for example)
  7. 認為 [认为] - rèn wéi (to believe, have a strong opinion, to have a dream, to feel). See also L12.
  8. 感覺 [感觉] - gǎn jué (noun perception, sensation; verb to feel, perceive; to realize)
  9. 發現 [发现] - fā xiàn (to discover, to find, to realize)
  10. 發生 [发生] - fā shēng (to happen, to occur). See also L20.
  11. 從前 [从前] - cóng qián (before, formerly, in the past)
  12. 從…起 [从…起] - cóng…qi/qǐ (former; before)
  13. 增加 - zēng jiā (to increase). See also 參加 cān jiā from L11
  14. 體重 [体重] - tǐ zhòng (body weight). Therefore, 體重增加 means “to gain weight”.
  15. 立刻 - lì kè (immediately, at once)
  16. 街 - jiē (street). See also L20 for 路 (road).
  17. 人口 - rén kǒu (population; family size)
  18. 分之 - fēn zhī (part of a fraction). e.g. 三分之一 means ‘one out of three pieces’ aka ‘one-third’ aka 1/3’.
  19. 就是 - jiù shì (lots of meanings. old notes say ‘all except’. But see Pleco…)

Lesson 25

  1. 最 - zuì (the most)
  2. 最近 - zuì jìn (recently). Note there is no special simplified character version of 近.
  3. 更 - gèng (even more)
  4. 困難 [困难] - kùn nan (difficult). See also L22.
  5. 容易 - róng yì (easy)
  6. 記 [记] - jì (to record to remember)
  7. 筆畫 [笔画] - bǐ huà (stroke order)
  8. 簡化 [简化] - jiǎn huà (verb to simplify)
  9. 簡單 [简單] - jiǎn dān (simple, easy). Same character as menu in Chinese Food.
  10. 複雜 [复杂] - fù zá (complicated)
  11. 簡體字 [简体字] - jiǎn tǐ zì (simplified Hànzi)
  12. 繁體字 [繁体字] - fán tǐ zì (traditional Hànzi)
  13. 比較 [比较] - bǐ jiào (comparatively). see also 交 jiāo from L14 and 水餃 shuǐ jiǎ (dumplings).
  14. 所有 - suǒ yǒu (adj all; verb to own, possess; noun possessions)
  15. 鐘頭 [钟头] - zhōng tóu (hour)
  16. 雖然 [虽然] - suī rán (although). See also 當然 from L15.
  17. 前頭 [前头] - qián tou aka 前面 qián mian or qián miàn (front)
  18. 認 [认] - rèn (to recognize, to know, to admit). See also L12.
  19. 可不是嗎 [可不是吗] - kě bu shì ma (exactly, right, “that’s just the way it is”)

Lesson 26

  1. 日記 [日记] - rì jì (diary)
  2. 毛衣 - máo yī (sweater)
  3. 衣服 - yī fu (clothing; garment). See also shū fú (comfortable) from L9 and fú wù yuán (attendant) from L28.
  4. 淺 [浅] - qiǎn (light/pale in color; shallow)
  5. 深 - shēn (deep in color; depth)
  6. 綠 [绿] - lǜ (green)
  7. 黃 - huáng (yellow)
  8. 白 - bái (white)
  9. 藍 [蓝] - lán (blue)
  10. 樣子 [样子] - yàng zi (style, standard, pattern)
  11. 塊 [块] - kuài (piece, block; a dollar; measure word for dollar)
  12. 顏色 [颜色] - yán sè (color). sè is similar to 晚 wǎn.
  13. 點心 [点心] - diǎn xin (dim sum)
  14. 愛 [爱] - ài (love)
  15. 廁所 [厕所] - cè suǒ (toilet)
  16. 腳步 [脚步] - jiǎo bù (footstep)
  17. 手錶 [手表] - shǒu biǎo (wristwatch)
  18. 聲音 [声音] - shēng yīn (sound)
  19. 安靜 [安静] - ān jìng (quiet, peaceful, silent). 靜 looks somewhat like 淨 jing from L3.
  20. 搬家 - bān jiā (to move house)
  21. 同志 - tóng zhì (comrade; colleague)
  22. 也…也… - yě…yě… (both…and…)

Lesson 27

  1. 把 - bǎ (hold, watch; noun handle bars)
  2. 糟糕 - zāo gāo (oh no!)
  3. 圓珠筆 [圆珠笔] - yuán zhū bǐ (ballpoint pen)
  4. 丢 - diū (to lose; to misplace)
  5. 丟掉 [丢掉] - diū diào (to throw away; to discard)
  6. 再 - zài (to do again). See also 再見 zài jiàn from L20.
  7. 不好意思 - bù hǎo yì si (how embarrassing)
  8. 生產 [生产] - shēng chǎn (to produce, to manufacture)
  9. 共產黨 [共产党] - gòng chǎn dǎng (Communist Party)
  10. 工廠 [工厂] - gōng chǎng (factory, mill, plant)
  11. 咳⧸咍 - hāi (expressing regret or mild disgust)
  12. 哎呀 - āi yā (interjection expressing surprise or amazement)
  13. 教室 - jiào shì (classroom)
  14. 大意 - dà yì (the big idea, gist, general idea)
  15. 停 - tíng (to stop, to pause, to halt; to park a car)
  16. 自來水 [自来水] - zì lái shuǐ (running water)
  17. 洗 - xǐ (to wash; to bathe)
  18. 百 - bǎi (one hundred aka number 100)
  19. 錢 [钱] - qián (money)
  20. 怕 - pà (to fear)
  21. 講話 [讲话] - jiǎng huà (speech, lecture)

Lesson 28

  1. 座 - zuò (measure word for buildings, mtns, other large immovable objects)
  2. 房子 - fáng zi (house)
  3. 大樓 [大楼] - dà lóu (large, multi-story building)
  4. 亮 - lìang (bright). See also 漂亮 piào liang from L23.
  5. 房錢 [房钱] - fáng qian (rent for housing)
  6. 付 - fù (to hand over; to pay)
  7. 除了…以外 - chú le …yǐ wài (except for…)
  8. 電費 [电费] - diàn fèi (bill or fee for electricity)
  9. 毛 - máo (a dime; one-tenth of a dollar)
  10. 分 - fēn (penny, cents; 1/100th of a dollar)
  11. 空氣 [空气] - kōng qì (air)
  12. 缺點 [缺点] - quē diǎn (drawback)
  13. 起 - qǐ (to wake up; to rise; to stand up)
  14. 附近 - fù jìn (vicinity)
  15. 合適 [适適] - hé shì (suitable; appropriate; fitting). See also 哈佛 Harvard from L11, 合作社 from L15.
  16. 服務員 [服务员] - fú wù yuán (attendant). See also clothing from L26 and comfortable from L9.
  17. 一共 - yī gòng (altogether, in all, all told)
  18. 找 - zhǎo (to give change back). See also L13 same character and pronunciation for “to search”.
  19. 又…又… - yoù…yoù… (not only…but also…)

Lesson 29

  1. 表演 - biǎo yǎn (to perform; noun performance). See also L14.
  2. 春假 - chūn jià (spring break)
  3. 計劃 [计划] - jì huà (plan, project, programme)
  4. 查 - chá (to look up, to consult, to examine)
  5. 論文 [论文] - lùn wén (thesis, dissertation, paper). See also 討論 tǎo lùn from L14.
  6. 提前 - tí qián (shift to an earlier date; to do in advance). See also 提高 tí gāo from L30
  7. 完成 - wán chéng (accomplish; complete). See also L17.
  8. 可惜 - kě xī (it’s a pity; too bad)
  9. 不然 - bù rán (otherwise; not so, not the case)
  10. 紐約 [纽约] - niǔ yuē (New York)
  11. 音樂 [音乐] - yīn yuè (music). JH introduced this in L19
  12. 旅行 - lǚ xíng (to travel, to vacation). See also 行 from L16 (sufficient), and bicycle from L18.
  13. 批評 [批评] - pī píng (to criticize)
  14. 一天到晚 - yī tiān dào wǎn (from morning til night)
  15. 睡覺 [睡觉] - shuì jiào (to go to bed; to sleep). Note that 覺 is also pronounced jué, as seen in L17, L24.
  16. 不但…而且 - bù dàn…ér qiě (not only…but also)
  17. 老 - lǎo (to keep on; to persist)
  18. 幹 [干] - gàn (verb to do, to act, to work; noun trunk, stem, main part; cadre)
  19. 幹你媽 [干你妈] - gàn nǐ mā (vulgarity)
  20. 一邊…一邊 [一边…一边] - yī bīan…yī bīan (verb 1 while performing verb 2)
  21. 大聲 [大声] - dà shēng (in a loud voice)
  22. 聲音 [声音] - shēng yīn (sound)

Lesson 30

  1. 太太 - tài tai (Mrs., Madame; wife)
  2. 先生 - xiān sheng (Mr., husband; teacher)
  3. 流利 - liú lì (fluent, smooth)
  4. 聽說 [听说] - tīng shuō (to have heard people say…)
  5. 一天比一天 - yī tiān bǐ yī tiān (day by day)
  6. 提高 - tí gāo (to raise). See also 提前 tí qián (move earlier in calendar) from L29.
  7. 進步 [进步] - jìn bù (to improve)
  8. 需要 - xū yào (to need)
  9. 解決 [解决] - jiě jué (to fix, to resolve, to solve)
  10. 下兒 [下儿] - xiàr (measure word for actions–see Pleco; capacity of a container)
  11. 關心 [关心] - guān xīn (concerned about)
  12. 情況 [情况] - qíng kuàng (circumstances, condition, situation)
  13. 算是 - suàn shì (at last, finally; considered to be)
  14. 許多 [许多] - xǔ duō (many; lots of). See also 也許 yě xǔ in L16.
  15. 國家[国家] - guó jiā (nation)
  16. 恐怕 - kǒng pà (to be afraid that…; verb/adverb of fear, dread, etc.)
  17. 得很 - de hěn (extremely…)

Lesson 31

  1. 發音 [发音] - fā yīn (pronunciation).
  2. 用不著 [用不着] - yòng bu zháo (unnecessary)
  3. 放 - fàng (to put). See also vacation from L22.
  4. 重 - zhòng (heavy)
  5. 安排 - ān pái (to arrange)
  6. 夠 [够] - gòu (enough; sufficient)
  7. 最好 - zuì hǎo (it would be best)
  8. 推 - tuī (to push; to shove)
  9. 牆⧸墻 [墙] - qiáng (wall). 人牆- rén qiáng (human wall).